Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
I Can Walk, Mein Fuhrer!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
How Not To Begin Your Sobriety Test
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Grizzly Man Meets Robo-Cop
I'm guessing all that punishment has caused Mr. Hurtubise some brain damage. Why? Because in the last couple of years he has made the jump from designing monkey-suits to inventing:
a) Firepaste: a heat resistant paste which can withstand temperatures greater than those the Space Shuttle faces upon re-entry (one ingredient of this paste is Diet Coke).
b) Angel Light: a device which can see through objects, detect stealth aircraft, see through flesh, and disable electronic devices (it came to him in a dream and worked on first try).
c) God Light: a device which can make blind men see and lame men walk. It has also, supposedly, cured Parkinson's disease and shrunk tumors.
From left to right-- Troy Hurtubise, the Angel Light, the Mark VI.

Sunday, November 19, 2006
The Three Murderers
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Rush Limbaugh In Funkytown
Friday, November 17, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Lott's Dream Job

As William Bunch pointed out in his own blog, we now know why Trent Lott was so driven in the last couple of days to secure a certain GOP leadership post. It's the job he grew up fantasizing about, the one his idol, Strom Thurmond, always pined for: Minority Whip! And it's finally his!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Sexual Assault In The 21st Century
Also, look for a young Tony Cox (Bad Santa, Me, Myself & Irene).
Monday, November 13, 2006
The Man, The Myth, The Eye

Jack Elam, one of my all-time favorites, was born on this date in 1918. He started out his career playing "The Heavy" but I'll always remember him for his comedic turns in Support Your Local Sheriff and The Cannonball Run. So think kindly of the homely ol' bugger today and, if you happen upon someone with a wall-eye of their own, feel free to thank 'em for all they do in keeping the world interesting.
Elam trivia:
1) he lost the sight in his left eye after another Boy Scout stabbed him with a pencil during a fight at a troop meeting.
2) He "retired" to Ashland, Oregon many years back and died at home there in 2003. (I went to school there in the 80's and we used to see him shuffling around town once in a while).
Monday, November 06, 2006
Video Nearly Killed The Radio Star
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Good Riddance

P.W. Botha died this week (10/31/06). Thank god his political career passed on some 17 years ago. Why? Because good ol' P.W. was the Prime Minister of South Africa, quite possibly the most racist country of the 20th century. Sure, it took the combined will of the entire world but, in the end, even this racist redneck saw the error of his ways.
Well, actually, the entire world wasn't against Botha and his racist regime. During the 80's, you see, while South Africa brutalized it's black majority, jailed and tortured it's leader (Nelson Mandela), and set racial equality back 100 years, one other country's leader stood by its side in full support. That leader: our own Ronald Reagan. Ol' Ronny joined Botha in calling Mandela a terrorist and even vetoed our Congress' attempt at joining the world in sanctions. Luckily there were enough votes to override this veto (no thanks to Dick Cheney who, as representative from Wyoming, voted against them both times).
So, please, do not weep for P.W. Botha. He does not deserve it. And also remember that Ronald Reagan, the GOP's God-Incarnate, was his ideological brother.