Saturday, November 25, 2006

How Not To Begin Your Sobriety Test

As a long-time bartender you'd think I'd be sick and tired of watching shit-faced shenanigans. Well, as you've seen from some of my prior posts, that couldn't be further from the truth. I just love watching people who just can't seem handle their liquor, especially when some sort of self-inflicted pain is involved. Here's my new favorite.


Blogger kingaengland said...

Who is dumber? the drunk or the cop. "we need to make a line" the cop says. They are a little hard to see in the video...THE WHOLE F***ING PARKING LOT IS FULL OF LINES!!!
Let me tell you what happens next, because Barney Fife can't use the lines already there, this guys lawyer and him get a hefty donation from the taxpayers.

6:34 AM  

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