Good Riddance

P.W. Botha died this week (10/31/06). Thank god his political career passed on some 17 years ago. Why? Because good ol' P.W. was the Prime Minister of South Africa, quite possibly the most racist country of the 20th century. Sure, it took the combined will of the entire world but, in the end, even this racist redneck saw the error of his ways.
Well, actually, the entire world wasn't against Botha and his racist regime. During the 80's, you see, while South Africa brutalized it's black majority, jailed and tortured it's leader (Nelson Mandela), and set racial equality back 100 years, one other country's leader stood by its side in full support. That leader: our own Ronald Reagan. Ol' Ronny joined Botha in calling Mandela a terrorist and even vetoed our Congress' attempt at joining the world in sanctions. Luckily there were enough votes to override this veto (no thanks to Dick Cheney who, as representative from Wyoming, voted against them both times).
So, please, do not weep for P.W. Botha. He does not deserve it. And also remember that Ronald Reagan, the GOP's God-Incarnate, was his ideological brother.
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