Saturday, January 20, 2007

Ah, My Old Alma Mater

Ever wonder what the guys you went to high school with are doing right now? Me neither. Except when I stumble onto one of them searching the internets...

Jason Wayne Rose
Born: 1/10/68
Sentenced to death: 5/16/1989
Rose was convicted in the 1988 machete attack and strangulation of Melissa Ann Meyer, 19, whose body was found near a water-filtration plant in Springfield in 1988. Prosecutors said Rose and a companion, John Ray Jones, spent an hour killing Meyer in a ritualistic human sacrifice. Jones was sentenced to life in prison. Rose was one of nearly two dozen Oregon Death Row inmates whose sentence was overturned by a 1989 U.S. Supreme Court ruling.

I know, you think I'm screwing with ya. But I'm not. I shared many a class with this guy from the sixth-grade until he dropped out sometime during our senior year. Hell, we were in band together. I even remember watching the news when they was hauled him in for this crime--dishevelled hair dyed jet-black, all pale and pasty except for black Dolphin shorts and pair of black Nikes. Yep, one of Springfield High's proudest moments. What I didn't know, though, was the following tidbit.

Interesting fact: Rose in 1997 filed a civil rights lawsuit, claiming that state corrections officials were violating his constitutional right to exercise his faith when they took away his Dungeons and Dragons game.

Somehow it all makes sense now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...'re not wearing your Conner-Rose family reunion t-shirt?? AL

2:51 PM  
Blogger Bowler Hat Productions said...

Hard... core.

7:06 AM  
Blogger kingaengland said...

He's wearing it. What he is not telling you is he has taken it to Salem to get Autographed!!!

8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also went to school with this guy. There are many untold stories concerning him. I have told few of those things that happend to me concerning him. I was going to kill him once but let it go. He liked to make you fear him. Problem is that I did not fear him. Nor fear any of the sick, sociopaths in his circle. Later on in life I felt sorry for him. The trouble started at an early age. Maybe you could had been subject to his torment and would had beeen no better.

5:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

So long ago .I lived his world from 84 to 89 he realy got sucked in to heroin and yes got more agressive as we grew older.he had two sides of him .sad cause he was realy good to me in 84 tell the drugs got with someone for three years you can defently see how he got worse

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As his ex girlfriend yes he did.i didn't even know he was using.he was very sweet when we met little odd like me .as we grew he got more aggressive,sad part was I figured it was normal.i was 14 when we met .in probably worse place juvie. We finally cut ties for good 3 months before this happened.i was sitting with my bf at his mom's when it flashedd on the news.

6:19 AM  

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