Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Ted Bundy- Master Of P.R.

First how 'bout a little background:

On July 30th, 1976, Ted Bundy was sentenced to 15 years for aggravated kidnapping after his victim managed to kick him in the nuts and escape just as he was braining her with a crowbar. Immediately afterwards authorities began tying him to more rapes and murders both in Utah and neighboring Colorado. In fact, in April of 1977 he was transferred to an Aspen jail so he could stand trial for a January '75 murder there. It was also around this time everyone began to realize that ol' Ted was also probably responsible for 10 or so murders up in the Seattle area.

While in Aspen awaiting trial, though, Ted somehow convinced those in charge he needed to use the library. And that, in order for him to manage the Dewey Decimal System, he needed his bulky handcuffs and leg-irons removed. Within minutes ol' Ted had jumped from an open window and, without those unsightly manacles weighing him down, was able to spend over a week on the run.

Once back in custody the boys in blue were livid. They lashed loop after loop of razor-wire around Ted and chained him to the... nah, just kidding. Within months of his recapture he'd crawled out a hole in the ceiling of his jail cell, dropped to the floor in a closet and then walked straight out the front door. By mid-January '78 Ted Bundy was in sunny Florida-- tan, hungry and a-knock-knock-knocking on a sorority house door.

Okay, so now you're up to speed. Ted is now awaiting trial for the sorority murders in which he'd bit, raped and bludgeoned four young women-- killing two. But it is not your normal, run of the mill, double murder trial. Not when it involves our old friend Ted. That's because he is, according to The Crime Library, a psychotic super-star:

The opening of the Chi Omega murder trial sparked immense public interest and a media frenzy. After all, Ted had been suspected of at least thirty-six murders in four states and his name elicited nightmarish images to thousands, perhaps even millions around the world. He was considered by many to be evil incarnate, a monster, the devil and his murders initiated one of the biggest and most publicized trials of the decade.

So, what's strange about this clip? Well, as I've just told you, Ted was a maniac. He'd slaughtered people without remorse, shattered their skulls and chewed on their flesh. And everyone knew it. Then why is he walking around in this clip unshackled, like he's announcing a run for city council? Mugging for the cameras, busting the DA's balls, reading over his shoulder. Strolling up and down the corridor like he's waiting for the elevator. Is everybody there fucking stupid? My answer: Yes. Stupid and lucky. Lucky he didn't just lunge for a cameraman, gnaw off his nose and start skull-fucking him.


Blogger Ryan A said...

Yes he did. And, according to those in the know, was weepy and weak as he was led there.

4:45 AM  

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